
Simplify back-to-school

for your neurodiverse child

2 essential ressources

to manage your ADHD, Autistic or DYS child return to school

Extracted from the full course « 10 Steps for an Organized and Calm Back-to-School, » these 2 FREE worksheets will help you:

🧠 Ensure you don’t forget anything  for the start of the school year

🎯 Communicate your child’s needs effectively to the school

These 2 worksheets come with explanatory videos.

included in the worksheets :

✅A Mega Checklist with 5 Key Themes:

  • Administrative Procedures for School (PPS, PAP, or PAI)

  • Communication and Collaboration with the Educational Team

  • School Supplies and Organization

  • Practical and Logistical Aspects

  • Managing Emotions and Changes


👩🏻‍🎤 A Student Presentation Sheet

  • With Multiple Detail Options (Simple Profile, Detailed Needs)

  • Tips on How to Choose the Information to Share

✅ Receive these FREE worksheets : 

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Exclusive to the online program: 


All the Hapyk resources to prepare for this school year, including tips on how to:


– Support your child in dealing with anxiety and new experiences

– Build a positive relationship with the school and build on what already works

– Manage your emotions and mental load


If these aspects interest you,👇sign up for the program

« 10 Steps for an Organized and Calm Back-to-School » (currently only available in French)


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